IUCN Penguin Specialist Group
GPS spearheaded the establishment of the IUCN Species Survival
Commission (SSC) Penguin Specialist Group . It represents the
highest level of scientific rigor and credibility concerning a
species group, and has influence on international and national
policies. Both founders and Co-Chairs, Dr. Pablo García
Borboroglu and Dr. Dee Boersma, belong to GPS. Its Steering
Committee is composed of members that represent Antarctica,
Africa, Europe, North America, Asia, Oceania, and South America.
Global Penguin Conservation agenda
GPS supports the IUCN SSC Penguin Specialist Group to identify
the global priorities, stakeholders and required resources for
penguins. We elaborate documents that define conservation
strategies for penguins globally.
Penguin Conservation status
GPS supports the IUCN SSC Penguin Specialist Group international
meetings and workshops to compile and update relevant
information to enrich the Red List assessment process.
Trade and Traffic
We are assessing the magnitude, nature, and location of the
current trade and illegal traffic of penguins. Our goal is to
provide recommendations on how to stop illegal trade and improve
regulations of legal trade of penguins to CITES and other
relevant organizations for specific species and areas.
Protected areas
GPS is particularly invested in creating new marine and coastal
protected areas. We also work to improve management of protected
areas and to protect penguin foraging and migration areas from
human activities.
Management Plans and Technical Assistance
GPS collaborates with, and formulates advice for governments and
landowners in different countries to secure conditions for the
persistence and growth of penguin populations. We also develop
participatory management plans for colonies open to visitors,
including communities in the design of the documents that
regulate the management of colonies visited by tourists.
Finally, GPShelps improve international and national legislation
and fosters their effective enforcement.
GPS works closely with governments, community officials,
and landowners to create effective conservation policies to
benefit not only penguins, but their entire ecosystems, and nearby