Educational material
We published and distribute for free our educational
booklet, “Messengers of the Sea,” containing information
on penguins and ocean conservation. The booklet is an
important educational tool for Spanish speaking audiences.
For the international community, we worked with Disney to
create a digital “Penguin education kit” in English and
Spanish. Our famous “Penguins of the World” poster
includes info about all the penguin species of the world,
including their population size, distribution and
conservation status. We developed a series of two learning
and activities books call Meet the Penguins. It is
intended for two educational levels: kindergarten and
primary school, in Spanish and English. Our goal is to
reach children with our conservation message to raise
awareness about the importance of protecting all penguin
species, the coasts and the oceans where they live.
School trips
We target local education efforts at communities and
schools near penguin colonies so that the next generation
will better value penguins. GPS organizes trips for kids
to visit penguins in their nearby natural areas, gives
talks to each class before the trips, and donates hundreds
of books about wildlife and conservation. So far over
6,000 kids have benefitted from this program.
Interpretation Exhibits and Signs
We participate in the design of interpretation centers,
tourist trails, and signs at penguin colonies that are
open to visitors.
Sharing Knowledge
We transfer information about penguins and their habitat
condition to governments and wider audiences (tour guides,
students, travel agents, interested citizens) in a variety
of formats and languages. We use mainstream media
(newspapers, magazines, radio, television) and other
communication strategies Our team gives lectures and talks
for general community and specific audiences (School and
university students, government officials, conservation
agents, ecotourism operators). We also disseminate
information about penguin populations status and threats
through technical reports submitted to governments and
interested parties.
Beach and penguin colony cleanup
Every year, before penguins arrive from their annual
winter migration, we take 100 adolescents to collect
garbage and debris from the beach and nesting areas of
colonies in Patagonia Argentina. Materials are then
processed at a recycling center. Much of this trash is
plastic, making this a good opportunity to draw attention
to the problem of single-use plastic and ocean pollution.
Fostering a “conservation culture” wherein all people
value and can participate in conservation is our educational
goal. By educating people about penguins and the importance
of healthy oceans we both involve and empower local
communities and reach decision makers.